Thursday, January 28, 2010

Turbulence Training - Day 32 of 84

I did Turbo Jam Fat Blaster again today (191 calories - 2 activity points). My hamstrings are a bit sore from yesterday, but it was still fun. I'm thinking of making a mix of all of my favorite Turbo Jam segments (because I'm really missing some things from Cardio Party 2 & 3!) and making a custom workout dvd. I wonder if I could somehow make it into intervals. Or, I could just learn the routines and do them to music. But I don't think I'm quite coordinated enough for that. However, I am sort of feeling like trying Shaun T's Rockin' Body or Hip Hop Abs. Maybe I will try it Saturday, if I can get my husband out of the house. It's one thing for him to see me Turbo. It's something completely different to have him watch me try to dance like someone who knows how.

cereal w/ skim milk, banana

omelet w/ cheese [2 pts], onion, green pepper, tomato & salsa, light English muffin w/ reduced-sugar jelly [1 pt]

salad w/ raw vegetables & dijon vinaigrette dressing

grilled chicken breast sandwich w/ light chipotle mayonnaise [2 pts]

grilled chicken, whole wheat pasta & mixed vegetables w/ sweet & sour sauce [2 pt]; I am really proud of myself. The original plan was to have sweet & sour meatballs, but when I pulled the meatballs out of the freezer, one serving (6 meatballs) was 7 points. Screw that! I had the rest of my chicken from earlier in the day.

apple & cottage cheese

Four cups of coffee and 80 ounces of water. 14 weekly and 10 activity points remaining.


Melty said...

I love when I make good food choices like that! Great job!

I have been thinking about getting hip hop abs. There are tons of those things that I want to get but I can only do some much at one time. I'm thinking about getting more Turbo Jam stuff too. I'm just always worried that I'm not going to like what I buy.

Becky said...

Have you given Turbo another try?

Melty said...

yes. I have done it again. Now that I "get" her a bit better it was a little easier and I think with practice it will be a bit easier. I watched some youtube videos of her hip hop hustle. I just want to say, you don't need to dress like an asshole to dance hip hop. I would actually like to do some of those but I don't know if I could watch her and those people in those clothes without wanting to put a bullet in the screen. They just look ridiculous. I don't know who is her stylist and designer for the videos and the clothes and all that but it's AWFUL!

Becky said...

I'm half tempted to get some HHH dvds but I really need to see an entire routine before I decide. I don't like how she dresses but she's all hip, yo!