Thursday, January 14, 2010

Turbulence Training - Day 18 of 84

After I blogged last night, I had some Hershey Kisses [5 pts] and I really, really felt guilty about it. I managed to not binge but I still felt stupid for even having them. I'd been doing so well this week. On top of that guilt, I had no workout scheduled for today, and I didn't bother to try to come up with something.


oatmeal w/ cinnamon & Splenda


chicken breast w/ carrot stick, green pepper slices & sweet potato; I finally got around to eating the other half of my sweet potato from the other night's dinner.

Flat Out bread w/ salsa [3 pts]

apple & green pepper slices

tilapia w/ baked acorn squash & mixed vegetables

Four cups of coffee. 14 weekly and 10.5 activity points remaining.

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