Thursday, May 27, 2010

NROL4W - Break Week - Thursday - Weights

squat  - 4x6x80 lbs
dumbbell shoulder press - 4x6x25 lbs
60 s rest

dead lift - 4x6x100 lbs
assisted pull/chin up (alternating, 2 sets of each) - 12 assisted pull ups, 1 unassisted chin up, 11 assisted chin ups
60 s rest

plank (to failure) - 80s, 70s, 60s, 65s
60 s rest

2 activity points. Exhausting!!

omelet w/ onion, green pepper, avocado & salsa [1 pt for using coconut instead of olive oil - won't make that mistake again! Coconut oil is not a healthy oil.]
pinto bean burger w/ mustard & quinoa
red pepper slices & Fiber One yogurt [1 pt]
roasted vegetables, whole wheat spinach bread stick [2 pts] & tilapia w/ avocado salsa
eggs w/ rice cakes [1 pt]

80 ounces of water and 2 coffees. 23 weekly and 8 activity points remaining.

Tomorrow's workout - unknown.

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