Sunday, September 26, 2010

No Videos, No Problem (NVNP) Challenge Overview

I've decided that I'm going to try to go 12 weeks without doing a workout dvd. That means no Turbo Jam for 3 months!! I don't know if I can do it, but I'm going to try. With the weather getting cooler, I can move my cardio outside.

For cardio, I'm training for a 5K, at least until mid-November. I'm going to run three days a week until then. After that, I will probably just do other bodyweight intervals. I just ordered a Gymboss Interval Timer. I'm very excited about that.

My original plan was to lift 4 days a week but since I want to really train for the 5K, I'm changing my plan to lift 3 times a week. Thank goodness I had 3 different plans lined up. This is the one I put together myself. A 3 times a week, full body workout. I would do this workout for 6 weeks, then change out some of the exercises (to the ones in parentheses) for another 6 weeks.

squat 5x5 (lunge)
db push press 5x5 (db shoulder press)
chin up 3x12 (assisted pull up)
prone jackknife 3x12 (cross body mountain climber)

squat 5x5 (barbell step up)
push up 3x12 (chin up)
conventional dead lift 5x5 (Romanian dead lift)
hanging leg raise 3x12 (plank, max time)

squat 5x5 (squat)
db bench press 5x5 (one arm db row)
assisted pull up 3x12 (push up)
3-minute plank test (spin crunch, 3x60 s)
There is also a 5-minute plank test 

I'm also going to try to squeeze in some yoga/stretching/foam rolling when I can.

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