Sunday, May 1, 2011

Insanity - Week 5 - Sunday - Fit Test

And so begins Month 2. I'm supposed to do this tomorrow with an hour long workout but screw that. Here are my numbers:

Switch Kicks - (78) - 87 - 91 - 115
Power Jacks - (53) - 43 - 50 - 59
Power Knees - (86) - 82 - 90 - 100
Power Jumps - (25) - 26 - 30 - 37
Globe Jumps - (9) - 8 - 9 - 9 - I hate these things!!!
Suicide Jumps (Burpees) - (13) - 14 - 16 - 18
Push Up Jacks - (14) - 16 - 19 - 22
Low Plank Obliques - (32) - 34 - 36 - 44

Not too bad, but those damn globe jumps are kicking my ass. I do wonder if I'm doing the switch kicks right though. My net calorie burn was 152 calories, good for 2 activity points.

It was also weigh in day - 134 pounds. That puts me up from the weight I lost when I was sick, but down 4 since I started Insanity 5 weeks ago. I guess I'll take it.

banana, hard boiled eggs w/ Sweet Heat Addiction [6]
salad w/ cheese & homemade dressing [8]
turkey burger on sandwich thin w/ green bean casserole [13]
grapes [0]
apple & cottage cheese [5]

I used all of my daily points and my activity points, and have 22 weekly points going unused.

1 comment:

Melty said...

I think I might try the fit test just for shits and giggles.