Monday, January 10, 2011

Starting Strength/Turbo Fire - Week 3 - Monday

No workout today. I did pace the halls for an hour while my baby went to his first wrestling practice. I won't take an activity point for it.

baked oatmeal [6] & banana [0]
sweet potato [2]
cottage cheese [6]
apple [0], green pepper slices [0] & cheese [2]
curried bulgur w/ potatoes & peas [8]
mixed vegetables [0] w/ cheese [4]

One coffee w/ skim milk [1] and several teas. I used all my daily points and met my GHGs. I have 49 weekly points remaining.


Jess said...

Good job getting back on track! I'm proud of you! :)

Eunice K. said...

great job!