Sunday, December 5, 2010

Countdown to Christmas Challenge - Week 4 - Sunday

I weighed in at 128 today, down a pound and a half since last Sunday. Only half a pound over my pre-Christmas low from last year.

yogurt [3] & banana [0]
apple [0] & cottage cheese [5]
grapes [0] & red pepper slices [0]
Hungarian beef goulash [6] w/ pasta [6]
string cheese [4]
eggs [3] w/ sauteed [1] onions & green peppers, avocado [2]
dark chocolate [8] - This is my Dexter treat.

Three coffees [3] and several teas. I met my GHGs, used all my dailies, and finally dipped into my weeklies. I have 36 weekly points going unused this week. I really, really like the new Weight Watchers Points Plus plan!


Unknown said...

Hi! I'm your newest follower. I just joined WW and am starting P90X tonight. Found your blog trying to figure out activity points for P90X.

Becky said...

For the weight training, I would take 2-3 APs, maybe even 4 if you push yourself super hard. For the Cardio, Kenpo, Core Synergistics & Plyo, I'd wear a heart rate monitor and base your APs on that. 80-100 calories burned is 1 Activity Point. For Yoga, I'd take nor more than 2. It's not very intense.

Unknown said...

The 100 cals burned makes sense. The Activity Point calculator is kind of whacked - it gave me more points for running today than if I just do 1 point per 100 cals. I'd rather be on the safe side so I don't want to rack up all these AP's and think I can splurge on ice cream as a result!

Becky said...

Yeah, I don't use their calculator. It overestimates, for me.