Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Turbulence Training - Day 51 of 84

Turbo Jam Fat Blaster today - 183 calories (2 activity points) but I felt like I could have put more into it. Thursday is my last Fat Blaster workout, so I may really try to go as hard as I can.

As the time for Insanity draws closer, I am getting more and more nervous about my decision to do it in the spring, rather than the fall. It's a lot of cardio - much more than I care to do - and no weight training (unless I do the optional upper body strength workout it comes with on my rest day, but I think I actually want to rest on my rest day). I could always throw in some sets of pull ups 2-3 times a week. So anyway, I'm second-guessing myself again. I don't know if I can do it. And that's ridiculous. I know I can. I just might have to take more breaks or longer breaks or not jump as high or whatever. But it is still terrifying.

fruit salad & cottage cheese

omelet w/ onion, green pepper & salsa, toast w/ reduced-sugar jelly [1 pt]

chicken, brown rice & vegetable soup

celery & carrot sticks

venison tenderloin, broccoli & cauliflower w/ dijon vinaigrette dressing, baked butternut squash "fries"; I actually ate the squash before dinner. I was baking it and I forgot to spray the pan. When I went to flip them over, they stuck to the pan, so I just let them cook and pried them off and ate while the rest of dinner cooked.

oatmeal w/ peanut butter [3 pts] and banana

Two cups of coffee, six cups of tea and 20 ounces of water. 27 weekly and 5 activity points remaining.

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