Monday, October 26, 2009

P90X - Week 8 - Monday

It's Recovery Week, but I am still going to bust my butt. I plan to do Turbo Jam Cardio Party 3 on yoga and stretch days this week. On the other days, I'm going to add on Ab Ripper X because there will be a point next month when I won't be able to do any hard core ab work for a few days. So I'm going to do it now so I don't miss anything.

Yoga this morning was so-so. I had every intention of bringing it but I had so much trouble with even the easier postures. By the time I got to Warrior Three and Twisting Half Moon, I was ready to scream. I couldn't even pretend to get into Crane, and I spent a lot of time (overall) trying to get into position. Still, I'm taking 2 Activity Points for it, and 4 for Turbo Jam Cardio Party 3 (404 calories burned). I love CP3 so much!! If I had to pick one cardio to do the rest of my life, this would be it.

I also drop down to 20 daily points this week. That sucks.

Total cereal w/ skim milk, banana [3 pts]

dry Honey Nut Cheerios [1 pt]; I was so hungry after yoga and it would be a while before i could cook, so I just grabbed some cereal.

scrambled eggs w/ onion, green pepper, light cream cheese & salsa, light English muffin w/ jelly [5 pts]

sliced turkey breast & mustard on Flat Out bread, baby carrots & red pepper slices [4 pts]

steamed tilapia w/ black bean, corn & avocado salad w/ lime vinaigrette dressing [7 pts]; I used my microwave steamer (for the first time, for fish) and in less than 3 minutes, the fillet was ready. So ready, in fact, that a good quarter of the meat blew off. It was good though. I've never had fish ready so quickly! Definitely the way to go for me!

Two cups of coffee [0 pts] and 80 ounces of water.

20 points today. 35 weekly and 6 activity points remaining.


Melty said...

dropped down points? Does that mean you lost some?

Becky said...

No. By the time I started doing WW, I had gained a couple pounds from where I started.