Saturday, July 23, 2011

New Rules of Lifting for Abs - Week 5 - Saturday

anti-rotation static hold - 2x30 sec each side I didn't do this one today because I was too lazy to load up a barbell to hold the squat rack in place so I wouldn't drag it across the room when I pulled on my resistance band.
elevated plank - 10x10 sec
elevated side plank - 5x10 sec each side

dumbbell single-leg Romanian deadlift 3x12x30 lbs each leg
dumbbell alternating shoulder press 3x12x20 lbs each arm

overhead squat - 3x12x25 lbs
cable kneeling pulldown - 3x12x60 lbs

Thankfully, this was the last Stage 1 workout. I hate 12 reps, have I mentioned?

coffee w/ skim milk [2]
apple & cottage cheese [5]
roast beef & cheese sandwich, green beans [10]
turkey curry wrap w/ carrot sticks [12]
cake & ice cream [7]
cheese [4]

I used all of my daily points and have 14 weekly points remaining.

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