Monday, October 25, 2010

No Videos Challenge - Week 5 - Monday

I've been really sick and if I didn't have a billion commitments, I would have stayed in bed the entire week. It was the busiest week of the school year so far and I tried to save all of my energy for that. I didn't work out and pretty much lived on ice cream because it was all my throat could handle. I'm not 100% but I can't keep fudging off. So, I'm back. I cleaned my house yesterday and I was going to work out but cleaning took everything out of me and gave me a crappy headache. So I'm behind on my workouts. I'm picking up where I left off, and I still have time to get them in before we leave for vacation, but I don't know if I'm going to just work straight through (every other day) to get caught up and back on "schedule" or just leave it at 3 times a week. 

squat 5x5x100 lbs
push up 3x12
conventional dead lift 5x5x115 lbs
hanging leg raise 3x12

2 activity points. 

baked potato
cottage cheese
vegetarian chill-ee w/ blue moon core'n bread & avocado- I almost didn't get to make this! I forgot to buy sour cream or yogurt, but I found a great alternative!!
apple & yogurt [2 pts]

60 ounces of water, two coffees and two teas. 35 weekly points remaining and both activity points used.

I'm also changing my binge free count. I want to focus on being "on plan" rather than binge free. I can still eat crappy and not binge. I don't want that. I want to be on plan. So starting today, my counter will be for the days I stick to the plan - that means being accountable for everything.

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