Sunday, October 7, 2007

Week 8 was good to me!

I lost everything I gained a couple weeks ago, plus 1.5 more! I did measure, and I'm down in most areas. Since Week 4, I've lost:

Weight - 4 pounds
Neck - 0.5 inches
Chest - 1 inch
Rib Circumference - 1 inch (but since I was up 1 inch last time...)
Waist - 1.5 inches
Belly - 1.75 inces
Hips - 2 inches
Thighs - 0 inches (R), gained 0.5 inches (L)
Calves - 0 inches (R), 0.5 inches (L)
Biceps (flexed) - 0.25 inches(R), 0.25 inches (L)
Triceps (gotta measure those batwings!!) - 0 inches (R), 0.25 inches (L)
Forearm - 0 inches (R), 0.25 inches (L)
Wrists - 0.25 inches (R), gained 0.25 inches (L)

I reread Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle and I have decided that I'm definitely not doing another BFL challenge. I'm going back to BFFM because it's more flexible, but since the programs are very similar, I'll still be eating things from Eating For Life. I'm also going to take a different strength training approach (fewer reps, heavier weights) and do true high intensity interval training. I'm really looking forward to it, and I'll still do things in 12-week blocks. Nothing will change here, as far as blogging.

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