Monday, June 28, 2010

DVD Winner and Break Week Ramblings

One thing I have learned during this horrible, horrible episode of binge eating is that no, I can't keep junk food in the house. I used to be able to but not any more. I've been in denial. I kept telling myself that it didn't matter if we had it in the house, I would go get something. But really, that's not the case 95% of the time. The things I ate this week, I ate because they were there. So no more. I won't be keeping ice cream and chips (not really a big trigger for me) and candy in the house. I do want to keep pretzels because my son likes them, and I don't think they are horrible. It's the sugar that gets me. I have to get rid of the Cheerios, too. I can't keep those in the house. Cheerios are a weakness.

I managed Meatless Monday just fine, and for the first time in 6 months, I was not starving all day. I know my fat was higher but even before that, I had no appetite. I had quite a bit of produce that I needed to eat (before we left for our trip) and I was just not hungry.

I've been doing some investigating into my blood glucose levels. So far, there's nothing alarming, but I have borderline high readings at times. I will continue to monitor this until my test strips are gone (I bought 100).

More investigating regarding rosacea. I've known forever that I have it. I have never been officially diagnosed because I'm not wasting money on a doctor just to tell me that. That also means I can't get prescription medicine, too. Anyway, I was reading up on it, regarding trigger foods. I have had the book, The Rosacea Diet by Barry something-or-other (I'm too lazy to go look) and it's a low carb diet. Not Atkins low but lower than I like. I do know of many low carbers whose skin does improve on Atkins. That aside, the list of possible trigger foods for rosacea makes me sad:

  • dairy including yogurt, sour cream, cheese (except cottage cheese);
  • alcohol including red wine, beer, vodka, gin, bourbon, and champagne;
  • chocolate;
  • soy sauce;
  • yeast extract;
  • eggplants, avocados, spinach;
  • some beans and pods, including lima, navy or peas;
  • citrus fruits, including tomatoes, bananas, red plums, raisins, or figs;
  • spicy and temperature hot foods.
However, seeing chocolate on there might be more motivation for me to give it up. I know that my symptoms (mostly the cyst-like bumps) are worse the more junk I eat.

The rest of my break week was pretty terrible. I was constantly on the go, shopping and prepping for my step-daughter's graduation & party. I didn't get any decent exercise, unless one counts falling on my ass playing badminton exercise. I'm not talking about a slip. I'm talking full run, my feet fly out from under me because I was wearing flip flops on wet grass, feet to the sky, ass to grass fall. Thank goodness only the 3 boys playing the game with me saw what happened. I'm fine but it was enough to end the game for me. I ate terribly but I did pass on the many bags of chips my mother-in-law wanted to send home with me. "But they are made with whole grains. They are healthy!"

And now for the moment you've all been waiting for. Who won the Jillian Michaels Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. This lucky person commented on my Blogger post. Congratulations to Kate&Ro! Please contact me with your info.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Becky! Sorry your week didn't go as well as you wanted but you'll get back into the swing of things soon!