Tuesday, April 13, 2010

NROL4W - Stage 1 - Tuesday - Biggest Loser Cardio

Today I did the high intensity cardio segment from the first Biggest Loser Workout dvd. It's just 20 minutes (plus warm up and cool down) of skaters, football drills, high knees (tires), punches, and kicks. I love workout out with Bob, though in real life, I would probably prefer to work with Jillian. Anyway, I didn't get a huge burn from this workout (174 calories, 1.5 activity points) but I am going to try not to go all out on my my non-lifting days. I'll be doing interval cardio and bodyweight matrices soon enough. I'm going to slack off while I can.

Meals for today:

apple & cottage cheese
omelet w/ onion, green pepper, avocado & salsa
chicken & avocado salad w/ salsa & light sour cream [1 pt]
crumb-coated chicken thighs [1 pt for coating] w/ roasted vegetables
diet soda cake [8 pts] for my husband's birthday

100 ounces of water. 22 weekly and 1.5 activity points remaining. Reward percentage for today: 9 out of 17 - 53%. I guess I owe myself 30 push ups each day for the rest of the week.

Tomorrow's workout is Stage 1 Workout B1 and I'm looking forward to it!

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