Sunday, October 26, 2008

NROL - Week 12 - Rest of the Week

It's been a week of horrible eating. Between my son being so sick and me dealing with the other stuff going on, my mind has just not been in this at all. I am disappointed that I couldn't get through this without eating badly. I did have some small binges, but for the most part, it was just a matter of eating bad things, even in normal quantities. All I can really do is start fresh tomorrow.


Hayley said...

I think you DID get through this week very well eating-wise...if you didn't binge then you did EXCEPTIONALLY well! eating is our way of coping and though the things you chose to eat may not have been perfect, so long as you didn't OVEREAT you did great in my book.

Thanks for the comment on my blog...take care of yourself...

Becky said...

Thanks, Hayley!