Sunday, August 14, 2011

New Rules of Lifting for Abs - Week 8 - Saturday & Sunday

suspended fallout 1x12 each side
Swiss ball mountain climber 1x12 each side
cable half-kneeling chop 1x12 each side - I can't do this one because I don't have the equipment, but I'm going to keep writing it in

front squat 1x6x55 lbs 1x4x60 lbs, 1x2x65 lbs, 1x6x60 lbs

dumbbell split squat 4x8x30 lbs each side
dumbbell two-point row 4x8x30 lbs each side

wide-grip deadlift w/ feet on weight plate 4x8x90 lbs
dumbbell alternating chest press on partial bench 4x8x25 lbs each side

metabolic workout: burpees (6-10 per minute for 12 minutes) - I did 10 burpees per minute.

Crappy food weekend. I just want to give up. I've struggled for four years and I'm sick and fucking tired of it.

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