Monday, August 22, 2011

Nameless Challenge - Week 1 - Monday

I can't even come up with a name for this block of time. There are 201 days until the Spartan Race, but it's too early to start a challenge for that. I was thinking more like at the 3-4 month mark, not 5 months.

I spent the morning doing some functional fitness - lifting and moving boxes, climbing ladders, squatting and scrubbing. Work prep is done, and I have tomorrow off. Yay!

coffee w/ skim milk [1]
apple & cottage cheese [5]
salad w/ cheese & dressing [7]
banana & celery sticks [0]
omelet w/ onions, broccoli & cheese [10]
oatmeal w/ peanut butter, nutella & banana [9]

I used all of my daily points and have 45 weekly points remaining.

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