Sunday, June 19, 2011

Post-Insanity Break - Weeks 2 & 3

What a clusterfuck! Right off the bat, I got derailed. On the first Monday, I started work early and was in such a rush that I left the house without packing breakfast OR lunch. Since it was the last week of school, our menu was not typical and I screwed up my Meatless Monday :( I was at work early every day that week, just eating school food and not caring. That made me not care at home, too. It was a mess. I am still so mad at myself. I should know better, yet I always let this happen when I don't have a workout plan and I don't blog.

The next week started off better. I was at my inlaws' house for the week, and I did some grocery shopping when I got there. I had everything I needed - fruit, cottage cheese, eggs, vegetables. Meatless Monday went fairly well, as in I stayed meatless. But everything else fell apart. I never touched my vegetables. I did eat the fruit and the eggs and the cottage cheese. But I also ate tons of other crap. TONS of other crap. I'm so angry with myself. I've undone all the work I did during Insanity. I'm disgusted and ashamed. Again.

Tomorrow, I start New Rules of Lifting for Abs. I'm going to continue with Weight Watchers, but I'm also going experiment with fasting once a week. I read Brad Pilon's Eat Stop Eat while I was on vacation. I don't completely buy it but you know me - I have to try. I'm only doing 24 hours, once a week (Wednesdays). I honestly don't know if I'll actually be able to follow through. I like my food, damn it.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Thanks for the spam. I am not a beginner and there are many abdominal exercises that are far superior to whatever it is your selling.