Saturday, December 17, 2011

84 Days until the Spartan Sprint

Today's workout was 3x10. Yuck.

shoulder press - 15 lbs
squat - 75 lbs
suspended row
atomic push up

I followed up with dumbbell (25 lbs) swings - 12 swings (then rest for the remainder of the minute) for 10 minutes. These are much less taxing than the stupid burpees I did Tuesday. I also did today's Saturday Fitness Beatdown, which was max reps, Russian Twist with a weight. I used a ten pound plate. I don't know how many clean reps I did, and they use a multiplier for the women, so I won't know my official score for a couple days. I just wanted to do it. And I actually did it twice because the first time we recorded, I was recording to tape instead of memory stick and I had no way to transfer it to my laptop. My second attempt was better. Sebastian made five attempts! He kicked ass.

We won't talk about food.

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