Wednesday, January 1, 2020

January 2020 Goals

December sucked. I was slack in everything and gained back a few pounds. I didn't track my food or really pay attention to sodium. I took a total of one walk. Meh, it's behind me now. 33.5 pounds to lose.

My goals for January are to make it to the fitness center three times a week to walk on the treadmill and exercise at home twice a week. I'm going to put together a full body resistance training workout. This month will surely be bodyweight only.

I have my Fitbit set up for 8,000 daily steps, and 250 steps every hour for 12 hours. I would like to hit both of those at least 5 days a week for now.

As far as food goes, I don't know. I would like to avoid processed shit as much as possible. I don't know how well I will do with the meal prep so I see a lot of chicken, eggs, and raw vegetables in my near future.

I need to drink more water. I'm aiming for 64 ounces a day, plus my tea.

This sucks.

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