Saturday, January 4, 2020

2020 - Week 1

Yeah it was a short week.

Wednesday I walked 1.5 miles on the treadmill, met my steps and water goal. I was hungry as fuck and wasn't really prepared for healthy eating but I managed. I logged all my food for the day.

Thursday I returned to work, took my lunch and ate it all pretty early in the day. Thankfully, I had some yogurt and clementines in the refrigerator. I got home, walked 1.5 miles around my parking lot, and hit my steps goal. I fell short on the fluid intake.

Friday was a bit of a shit show. I started off okay, but then I ate a few cookies I didn't have nutritional information for and then we had chili dogs for dinner. I didn't gorge by any means but I didn't log the cookies or dinner. I also didn't kit my steps goal. I wanted to take my walk but I had zero energy.

Saturday was better. I didn't exercise and I missed my hourly steps and water goal. But I ate well and logged all of my food.

Week 2 will be better.

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