Saturday, January 18, 2020

2020 - Week 3

Sunday I went to the fitness center and did my usual 1.5 miles on the treadmill. So far, there isn't any improvement to the pain. I power through it but it's excruciating. I hate having to do this.

I suspected I was getting sick and by Monday I was sure. I worried it was strep or the flu. I even went home from work early, which I never do. I canceled my guitar lesson and just vegged out on the couch. I spent the rest of the week coughing and not able to breathe half the time, but I managed to get a short walk in Wednesday and my regular treadmill workout on Friday. I was going to hit the fitness center again Saturday but I was just so drained. Food was decent all week though.

I went for my three month follow up with my PA on Wednesday. She ended up doubling my antidepressant and blood pressure dosages. I went for follow up blood work on Friday - I'm still waiting on those results.

Overall, I feel okay, even for being sick. My blood pressure is all over the map though. I've started the new dosage so hopefully that will start to help soon.

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