Sunday, January 12, 2020

2020 - Week 2

Sunday I finally managed to get to the fitness center. It was too windy outside to walk. I did 1.5 miles on the treadmill. My pace is slow as fuck. I need to walk 3 mph to hit my target distance in half hour but my legs can't handle it. So I go back and forth a bit on the pace but I can't sustain 3 mph very long. I ate well and logged all my food. I hit my steps goal but not my fluid intake.

Monday and Tuesday were kind of a shit show. I hit my hourly steps goals but not my fluid intake. I didn't track my food but I ate healthy crap.

Wednesday was just okay. I took my lunch to work but I was still so hungry so I went to the cafe and got a sandwich and soup. I'm sure the sodium was super high but they weren't awful choices. I went to the fitness center after work. I hit my steps goal for the day but fluid was under the target. I did get the bright idea while on the treadmill that I should do Couch to 5k, so I tried running. I lasted 30 seconds before I couldn't do it any more. The pain in my legs was excruciating and I almost couldn't finish my walk. I'm glad I waited until the last 5 minutes to try running. It's so hard. When I have my headphones on, my body wants to dance and move. My legs aren't there yet and I worry that they will never be healthy enough to do the things I want to do with them.

I don't even remember the rest of the week. I know I went to the fitness center Friday. I tried the elliptical and didn't even make it five minutes before my legs told me to fuck off. Food has been okay but I'm not measuring and logging. It's just too much work.

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