Sunday, July 12, 2015

I'm back for good! I think.

So it's been a long, long, long, long, loooooooooooooooonnnnnnngggggggggggggggggg time since I've blogged and even thought about fitness. Life was crazy. I was miserable, working two jobs, having no room to work out and no time to cook. I've gotten a new job, moved, and have my gym set up in my huge ass living room.

I'm thinking of starting back up August 3, since that is the day I first started this blog. I may start sooner if I could just pick a damn program. I'm going through my New Rules of Lifting books. They are all so good. I just don't know which one to do. Originally, I planned on doing NROL For Women, but I've done that before, and there are three programs that came out after (and another coming out in November). 

So back to flipping through the books. Watch this space for killer transformation!

1 comment:

Melty said...

Thumbs up ������