Saturday, September 20, 2014

Le Sigh

Obviously, I haven't done jack shit this summer. Here it is, mid-September and I'm still as out of shape as ever. Lack of motivation continues to fuck me up.

My son is 10. He's 4'9" or 4'10", 130 pounds. He was up to 142 back in late July. His weight was measured on 2 different scales though - two different doctors offices - so I don't know what his true weight is. He's been overweight for a while. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned it here before. I've pretty much stopped buying junk food, and his appetite has been affected by his ADHD meds. He's not very active though. He just returned to school and is making somewhat of an effort in PE, which is a big change from last year. He still hates PE, but he's trying.

So when he told me the other day that he wants to work out, I was surprised. I had been talking about getting back into it - aren't I always??? - and promised him I would put together something we can do. I wish he would learn to ride his bike, or be interested in roller skating again.

But anyway, I'm starting a new program Monday. I'm using the 20-week Turbo Fire calendar. I'm just doing the cardio, and adding my own lifting. I used The New Rules of Lifting: Supercharged to put together 4 workouts.

Workout A

bodyweight squat (3x15)
push up (3x15)
split squat (3x8-15)

SHELC (3x15)
dumbbell 2-point row (3x8-10)
step up (3x8-15)

reverse lunge w/ overhead shoulder press (3x8-10)
Swiss ball rollout (3x15)
box jump (3x15)

Workout B

goblet squat (3x8-10)
pike push up (3x15)
rack deadlift (3x8-10)

forward lunge (3x8-10)
dumbbell chest supported row (3x8-10)
dumbbell single leg Romanian deadlift (3x8-10)

Romanian deadlift w/ row (3x8-10)
Swiss ball jackknife (3x15)
dumbbell swing (3x15)

Workout C

back squat (3x8-10)
dumbbell shoulder press (3x8-10)
Romanian deadlift (3x8-10)

walking lunge (3x8-10)
inverted row (3x15)
dumbbell single leg deadlift (3x8-10)

squat & press (3x8-10)
Swiss ball mountain climber (3x15)
squat w/ jump tuck (3x15)

Workout D

front squat (3x8-10)
barbell bench press (3x8-10)
deadlift (3x8-10)

Bulgarian split squat (3x8-10)
suspended row (3x15)
single leg squat (3x8-10)

push up w/ 1-arm row (3x8-10)
Swiss ball plank (30+ seconds)
dumbbell snatch (3x8-10)

I'm calling this cluster fuck the Girl On Fire Challenge. Gotta get in shape to win those Hunger Games. Here is the complete schedule:

We will see how it goes. My guess? This will be my last post on the subject.

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