Monday, April 22, 2024

Fit by 50 - Coming Soon!!!

 I really wish I could blog like I used to. Between working, getting a 2nd master's degree, getting married, preparing to move, being exhausted - I just don't have time for shit. Ok, that is a lie. I have time to read and play word games and watch Power. Fuck, I love Tommy Egan - my obsession with him led to a very appropriate quote:


My doctor is up my ass to get healthier. I'm tired of being tired and feeling like flaming garbage all the time. My mental health is great - I'm on a fantastic combination of anti-anxiety and antidepression meds. I'm happy. I've never been happier, and that's the truth. 

The only thing I'm not happy with is my physical health. I'm overweight, have high cholesterol and blood pressure (despite medication) and am pre-diabetic (unmedicated). I am, admittedly, a giant sloth. When I get home from a long day, I like to veg on by bed with one of my million Kindles. My fitness equipment remains untouched. At least by me, anyway - my son does use it regularly. I recently ordered a new bench and squat rack and gave the old, bulky ones away. It's been over two weeks and I still don't have my weight bench. 👎😡

I have not moved in with my new husband yet, as my lease isn't up for another five months or so. I was going to get rid of my exercise crap and just join a gym because there is limited room at his place. But fuck that. I've been collecting these weights and shit since I started Body For Life back in 2007. I'm so glad I started this blog, but I really wish I hadn't spent the last 13 years fucking off. I specifically recall the week everything fell apart. And I know I've popped in over the years to day I'm going to get my shit together but this time I really mean it. I'm going to be half a century old next year and I don't want to die a fat-ass. 

I don't plan on daily blogging. I'm hoping for weekly check ins, at least until I'm done with school in December. I need to be in good enough shape to start Jen Sinkler's Bigness Project by February 1 - it's a 13-week program that will lead right up to, and end on, my Big 5-0. It really is a damn shame that Jen's programs are so hard to find now. All her links seem to be dead. I plan on sailing the high seas soon. I already have Bigness Project, but I would love Unapologetically Strong, Life Weights Faster, and Unapologetically Powerful. I may delay Bigness by a few weeks to do Thinner, Leaner, Stronger by Michael Matthews. That's 54 weeks long but the workouts are simpler. I think I will like it. It reminds me a bit of the OG New Rules of Lifting. I actually have quite a few Michael Matthews books so I might even put together my own thing. I don't fucking know. 

As for food, I will be living on chicken, eggs, and broccoli. Just kidding. I'm going to stick to whole foods though. I actually - finally - gave up coffee creamer recently and am using half & half instead. That's going well. I don't hate it. I don't love but it's drinkable. Right now I'm tracking in the Healthi app but I think I will switch to the Fitbit app. I hate track. HATE IT. It's so tedious. And one reason I eat the same things over and over. 

Actually, I found TLS v4 floating around so I modified it based on the equipment I have and this is what I'm going to follow

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