Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Fit by 50 - Week 2 & 3

This week has been a period of learning and adjustment. I wasn't really feeling connected to the workouts I had planned so I created a Franken-workout from the pieces I did like. So now I present the plan going forward. Three days a week, no stressing about finishing the program "on time" and I don't have to worry about getting off track. I have my honeymoon in July and I'm moving at the beginning of September so I already know I'll be taking those weeks off. 

Lower Body: 4x6-8

  • barbell squat 💩
  • barbell Romanian deadlift 💜
  • barbell standing calf raise💜
  • barbell hip thrust💜
  • barbell rack pull💜
  • dumbbell Bulgarian split squat 💩
Full Body: 3x8-10 (seems like a lot but some of them are bodyweight only)
  • dumbbell single leg Romanian deadlift 💜
  • dumbbell step up 💩
  • dumbbell rear delt row 😩
  • dumbbell curl 💜
  • alternating leg raise 💜
  • dead bug 💜
  • dumbbell shoulder press💜 
  • dumbbell back fly 😩
  • floor glute kickback 💜
  • oblique side raise
  • dumbbell kickback 💜
  • barbell close grip bench press 😩
Upper Body: 4x6-8
  • dumbbell bench press 😩
  • dumbbell skull crusher 💜
  • dumbbell lying row 😩
  • dumbbell pullover 😩
  • dumbbell fly 😩
  • dumbbell overhead triceps press💜
I'm completely over tracking my food already. Hate it. HATE. IT. It's worse when I have a whole ass recipe I'm dealing with because I don't really have the time to log a bunch of shit into a nutrition calculator on my phone then convert it to points/bites and enter it in Healthi. I use Paprika Recipe Manager for everything. I bought it for my phone and my laptop, and I'd buy it for iOS if I had an Apple product. There's even a bookmarklet so I can send recipes to the app directly from Chrome. I love Paprika. The only drawback is that it doesn't have a nutrition calculator and I haven't figured out how to easily export recipes into a calculator I like. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Fit by 50 - Week 1

Welp, today is the day. I weighed in at 181.8. Bah. But I've been sticking to the Healthi plan, staying in my points. And as per usual when I'm tracking, I'm not eating enough. 

First workout was rough. I definitely wasn't pulling the numbers I was back in early 2011. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be, even at lower loads. I'm using the Caliber fitness app - I think it was developed by a guy who frequents the fitness boards on Reddit. Man, I love Reddit.

Workout two was better. I did it the morning after my evening workout one. By the time the end of the second day came, I was really feeling it, and by the time workout three came along the next day, I was REALLY feeling it. 

And one thing I have discovered is that I absolutely cannot do five workouts per week at this point. Between work and school and preparing to move, I'm going to have to cut it back to three days a week, with Mondays always off due to not getting home until 8 PM.

So here is how the workouts are structured. Each phase, as written, is 8 weeks long, then the 9th week is a deload week. There are five workouts per week (again, as written). I'm just going to do a workout every other day. I had to substitute some exercises because I don't have cable machines. Or simply because I despise the actual exercise. I'm not doing something I hate. Dumbbell lunges will likely get subbed at some point. 

Here's what Phase 1 looks like.

Workout 1A - Lower Body A:

Barbell Squat 3x6-8

Barbell RDL 3x6-8

Heel Raised Squat 3x6-8

Dumbbell Lunge 3x6-8

Workout 1B - Push:

Barbell Bench Press 3x6-8

Dumbbell Fly 3x6-8

Dumbbell Bench Press 3x6-8

Seated Triceps Press 3x6-8

Workout 1C - Pull:

Barbell Deadlift 3x6-8

One Arm Dumbbell Row 3x6-8

Dumbbell Pullover 3x6-8

Barbell Curl 3x6-8

Workout 1D - Upper Body:

Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press 3x6-8

Barbell Close-Grip Bench Press 3x608

Dumbbell YWTL 3x6-8

Dumbbell Rear Delt Row 3x6-8

Workout 1E - Lower Body B:

Barbell Squat 3x6-8

Dumbbell Single Leg RDL 3x6-8

Dumbbell Lunge 3x6-8

Barbell Hip Thrust 3x6-8

I'll probably do every other day, with Mondays always off until I finish school December 8. At that point, I may keep the EOD lifting schedule and add some Turbo Jam to the other days (except Monday - Mondays will forever be "rest" days). I miss Turbo a lot. But I have to get some of this weight off so I can move my body a little bit easier. 

I think back to that day in June 2011 and hate myself for eating that ice cream...

Speaking of eating. I tried to track everything in Healthi but by the end of the week, between my birthday and going out for dinner with my husband and brunch with my friends, I gave up on that. Dinner out wasn't horrible. I had sushi. But brunch - I got pancakes with chocolate chips and I probably shouldn't have.






And now that my week is over, I need to revamp my workouts. I'm going to sort of mesh them together to create an upper body, a full body, and a lower body. I barely have three days a week to get exercise in. And the 15 minutes 5 times a week feels like cheating. I'd rather do 30 minutes 3 times a week.

So tune in for Week 2...