Friday, March 20, 2020

2020 - Week 11 & 12

Food is still sucking. I'm not following my low sodium diet at all. I'm mostly on a Girl Scout cookie diet. With the Captain Tripps going around, everything is jacked up. I am still working in the office four days a week, one from home. I never had a social life so at least I don't need to worry about that. I had a follow up with my doc this week - she'd been ordered to work from home so it was just a phone call. I'm relieved I didn't have to go in to get weighed. I told her I'd been slacking on taking my blood pressure every day. She told me to go back to taking it every day, and she added a calcium channel blocker to my list of meds. I ended up canceling next week's appointment with the vascular specialist because all he was going to do was tell me to keep taking my medicine. For $250, I can figure that one out myself.

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