Saturday, March 31, 2012

Storm The Beach - Week 3 - Friday

Today's team camp was awful. We warmed up, stretched, then went for a run. I did fairly well while we were running on the road but once we hit the beach, it really fucking sucked.

Food was so-so. I think, okay, I'm positive, we're going to start low carbing/Prmal Sunday. I was trying to figure out what to do about my iced coffee - I usually use a cup of coffee and a cup of milk. Twice a day. That's a lot of dairy carbs right there, and a quarter of my daily goal. Then I remembered egg creams!!! Basically, they are just a raw eggs and heavy cream, with other stuff blended together. I've had them before and they are delicious. I don't worry about salmonella either. has a thread full of egg cream variations. Here is one I found specifically for coffee:

3 eggs 
8 oz coffee (brewed strong & chilled overnight - or you can make & use coffee ice cubes!)
1 scoop whey protein powder (chocolate or vanilla or strawberry)
splash of sugar free syrup (french vanilla or chocolate or any flavor you like!)
2 Tbsp heavy cream
2 Tbsp extra virgin coconut oil (melted)

blend/froth eggs first; add cream and blend/froth again (makes it fluffy!)
add the rest of the ingredients in the order above; add melted CO last

I don't know that I will necessarily add the coconut oil to it, or the protein powder. I'm not really crazy about protein powders.

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